(Pittonkatonk is commissioning new music about justice to world premiere on May 11, 2019)
Featured artists are
- May Day Marching Band & Casa San Jose SOY (Immigration & Equality)
- Afro Yaqui Music Collective & 1Hood & Sio-Rox Marching Band (Water)
- Lemon Bucket Orkestra and Sto Rox Marching Band (culture exchange)
- Hugo Cruz and Caminos (Collaboration with Cuba percussionist and African American Music Institute)
What is the Artivist Greenhouse?
This year Pittonkatonk will commission three Pittsburgh artists to write new songs in collaboration with social justice organizers called The Social Impact Experience. The project encourages artists to form deep working relationships with environmental and social justice organizations that work to clean our air and water, support immigrants and prevent displacement, will partner with musicians to get their message out in creative ways. The songs will live on after their premiere at the May Day BBQ helping these organizationsNew collaborative works will premiere at the 2019 Pittonkatonk May Day Picnic on May 11.
(A community resource tent of Social and Environmental Justice Organizations)
in collaboration with New Sun Rising

Activist Greenhouse
We are excited to introduce the Activist Greenhouse (Resource Tent) as part of our May Day Celebration. The natural progression from working with activist bands from around the country (and world) is to include the organizations working in the fields of social and environmental justice. We feel it’s time we celebrate the hard work of these organizations and activists working for equality.
This center was opened to support the ongoing and important work of Sister Janice Vanderneck, who has worked with the Latino community in the Pittsburgh region for many, many years. She has devoted herself to helping Latinos navigate the health system, social services, and the legal system to survive and to thrive in this community. More than 1,000 Latinos have benefited from her support over the years.
1Hood Media is a collective of socially conscious artists and activists who utilize art as a means of raising awareness about social justice matters effecting people around the world.
City of Asylum creates a thriving community for writers, readers, and neighbors by providing sanctuary to endangered literary writers, so that they can continue to write and their voices are not silenced. COA has hosted writers from China, Iran, Myanmar/Burma, Venezuela, El Salvador, Bangladesh, Syria, and Brazil. COA Pittsburgh is also the national headquarters for ICORN, The International Cities of Refuge Network based in Norway. COA works closely with ICORN in their common mission to provide shelter to writers and artists at risk, and to defend and advance freedom of expression locally and internationally.
JFCS Refugee & Immigrant Services has worked with thousands of individuals and families over the years, helping them create new lives in our community after escaping unimaginable circumstances. From resettling newly-arriving refugees to connecting people with critical resources for acclimating to live in our country, JFCS is with our clients through every step of their journey
PITTSBURGHERS FOR PUBLIC TRANSIT is a grassroots organization of transit riders, workers, and residents who defend and expand public transit. We keep the public in public transit by mobilizing communities to advocate for equitable, affordable, and sustainable transportation systems. We work together to win the Transit Bill of Rights for all residents of Allegheny County.
The mission of Planned Parenthood of Western PA (PPWP) is to provide comprehensive and complementary health care to those in need of services; disseminate information about human sexuality and the need for family planning and responsible parenthood; and advocate public policies which guarantee these rights and ensure access to such services.
Making sure working families share in the prosperity of a New Pittsburgh. Pittsburgh United is a coalition of community, labor, faith, and environmental organizations committed to advancing the vision of a community and economy that work for all people.We aspire to create a new social contract, whereby all workers are able to care for themselves and raise their families, sharing in the prosperity generated by economic growth and development.
Latin American Cultural Union Mission is to promote, preserve and enrich the Latin American culture, while unifying the Latino community and bridging with other communities within the Greater Pittsburgh Area.
Pittonkatonk hosts a toiletry drive each year for SisterFriend. Please bring an item to donate.
Zero Waste Pennsylvania (ZWPA) is a project of the Pennsylvania Resources Council. In 2009 Zero Waste Pittsburgh (ZWP) was created to provide waste reduction services and resources in Western Pennsylvania. Today, Zero Waste Pennsylvania provides waste reduction techniques to various commercial businesses, residents, institutions, and special events across the state. Over the years our services […]
Pittsburgh’s bright future is built on a diverse transportation network that safely connects all people to their destinations. Residents, commuters, and visitors joyfully experience our unique topography and neighborhoods while navigating the city by bike and on foot. Well-designed bikeways, walkways, and communities will make riding a bike or walking comfortable, convenient, and fun. Our embrace of an active and healthy lifestyle is reflected in Pittsburgh’s commitment to providing safe, world-class facilities for biking and walking.
The PHDC is a community development corporation dedicated to increasing Hispanic population and investment in the Pittsburgh metropolitan area.
Oakland Planning and Development Corporation is a nonprofit community development organization serving Pittsburgh’s vibrant cultural, educational and medical hub since 1980. We provide affordable rental housing, sell homes to homeowners, organize and advocate for residents, facilitate planning processes, provide workforce development and financial coaching, and help youth succeed in high school and beyond. Guided by The Oakland 2025 Master Plan, OPDC’s vision is to make Oakland a beautiful, well-designed, sought-after neighborhood, in which a diverse mix of residents and visitors flourish.
FracTracker, the project, was originally developed to investigate health concerns and data gaps surrounding western PA fracking. Today, as a non-profit organization, FracTracker Alliance supports groups across the United States, addressing pressing extraction-related concerns with a lens toward health effects and exposure risks on communities from oil and gas development. We provide timely and provocative data, ground-breaking analyses, maps, and other visual tools to help advocates, researchers, and the concerned public better understand the harms posed by hydrocarbon extraction.
Founded in 1920, the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) is the nation’s foremost guardian of liberty. We are a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization dedicated to defending and protecting our individual rights and personal freedoms.
Assemble is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization dedicated to fostering learning and creativity. Assemble envisions diverse neighborhoods of empowered people who create, connect, learn, and transform together. We build confidence through making by uniting communities of artists, technologists, makers, and learners both in our space at 4824 Penn Ave and beyond.
The Thomas Merton Center works to build a consciousness of values and to raise the moral questions involved in the issues of war, poverty, racism, classism, economic justice, human rights, and environmental justice. TMC engages people of diverse philosophies and faiths who find common ground in the nonviolent struggle to bring about a more peaceful and just world.
We believe the best things happen when customers are satisfied. That’s why we’re always looking to exceed expectations. Our goal is to mix the perfect potion of service, quality, and pricing.
We aren’t perfect, but we give it our best shot! We’re happy to print a sample before running any order. If you want to make changes to your document after a first sample, we can make another sample until it’s perfect. We want to work with you just as much as you want to work with us, let us know how we can better serve you.
We would also like to thank
Pin Up Posters
G I Haul
Round Corner Cantina
Dogfish Brewing
Vecenies Distribution
Workshop Pittsburgh
Kruman Equipment
City of Pittsburgh
Oakland Planning
Oakland Business Improvement District
New Sun Rising
Sto-Rox School District
and much more to come
Launching 2019

As a community group how would you want to convey your message or express what you do if you had a full band at your disposal?
In 2018 Pittonkatonk will launch its Environmental Impact Experience that partners local non-profit organizations working on issues ranging from clean air, clean water, immigration, displacement, and social justice with local performers to create new collaborative works that will be featured at the May Day Picnic on May 5, 2018.
This project will connect 3 local organizations with a facilitator and band to create a performance that conveys the mission of the organization. This project will work in three ways.
- First initial meetings between the band, a facilitator, and the organizations to review the mission and vision. The role of the facilitator is to help brainstorm and break through the surface to help create an impactful message and performance.
- Second stage is rehearsal. The band and organization will work together from March to May composing and rehearsing the piece. Documentation of this program will be important element.
- Third component is the actual performance, documentation, and audience response at Pittonkatonk. We will ask that the documentarian interview members of the performance and the audience to gauge audience response then compile this into a short video both can use for their purposes.