Do you want to participate? We need your help! We have a variety of jobs that we need to fill.
- Marketing/Relations jobs
- hang posters & handbills
- Social Media support / contact press
- get the word out in the community (attend community meetings)
- Food Prep
- Shop for food
- Prepare items for day of event
- Prepare essentials (extra water, toilet paper, paper towels, first aid kit, etc)
- POTLUCK STATION ATTENDANT (help make sure food gets separated for those w/ allergies)
- Grill (help cook)
- Info Desk
- Band Check in
- Trash
- Parking attendant ( help keep the path clean for those in need)
- Bike Parking liason
- Time keeper
- Kitchen prep/refreshment attendant
- We have over 200 traveling artists we need to find beds for. put up a band or ask a friend.
email us at [email protected]